I&I pt 9 - shoot day 2
shoot day 2: today i re-shot sav, as well as shooting tom, steve, ryan, owen, george.S and nommy, as well as asking Nommy to shoot me. we got loads done today that only thing i struggled with was recreating the same colouring live. so instead i lightly over exposed it and then i plan to edit in photoshop to achieve the same effects as i did in shoot one with all shoot two images. owen's chosen pose was very difficult to shoot. he decided to have his hand out, almost like he was going to give someone a manly hug, where you grab hands and then pull together. it was difficult to position in front of his hand which i found difficult. i showed my images to rosie and she loves the slightly yellow/golden lighting, with the silohette. i personally cant decide which ones i like best so i will probably decide during the edit. here are a couple of my images.