lighting workshop

Yesterday and today we were given the opportunity to take part in a lighting workshop with anne. we learnt all about lighting health and safety on the first day. we discussed different hazards and how to handle them, almost like a brief risk assessment. we discussed the basic temperatures of lights so that we would be able to determine the risk of flammability.

some of the possible risks would have included:
heat - burning,
man-handling - weight, physical injury,
tripping over wires,
as well as how to fix a basic plug wiring system, and how to change the bulb correctly.

I found this really interesting as I love analysing the risks in situations. I have also never worked with lighting like this before, and so I found it new and enjoyable.

On the second day, we were discussing the different types of lighting, the 3 main types are Key, Back and fill. we leant how to position them correctly, and also how to use the light reader to show if we were lighting in the right place and how far the light travels at what density.

After that we had an alumni called Rob join us who told us about a square law. this law is about how the positioning of the lights effects the presentation of the environment on the camera, basically meaning that if you wanted to you make the environment appear flat in the camera there is a way you can calculate the exact position of the lights to manipulate the environment.

Next we were given a list of tasks. these tasks were to film a scenario given to us, using correct lighting and camera. my group was given a scenario where there had been a murder. we decided to light it in the style of film noir to give a sense of impending doom and frightening. I worked mainly on lights along side Luca.

I think it looked really good by the end and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I am looking forward to the next time I get to work with lights and I am currently in discussions with some second year students about assisting on their lighting for a production mid February.


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