experimental media - pt2

so I have created a short summary of my intended project.

-My idea is to film people who have something they want to be heard. I want to show that in todays society opinions are dismissed and forgotten about and how everyone has the right to be heard.
-I would like to film people writing down the sentence they wish to be heard, and then record them reading it out. I want to cover a wide range of people, disabled, children, teenagers, adults, etc.
-The title will be ‘if you could be heard’
-I would like it to mainly be centred around the disabled to reflect that some people have more difficulty expressing their emotions and thoughts than others.

Theme – to show how people today are not heard as one. We are only heard if we shout in groups. But the voices of individuals matter just as much.
Structure – the structure will be simplistic in that it will just be writing and then reading it out.
Mode – I will be filming them doing this in their homes to show their individuality and to make them feel as comfortable as possible.
Editing style – a lot of long takes of the people I am filming, in order to show their emotions in what they’re saying
Inspirational artists in class –  Ruud Van Emple - He took photos of loads of different children, then copy and pasted parts of their faces to create new faces and children almost like building an ideal. It was incredible to watch. That inspired me because it was like trying to make everyone into this one ideal, and that’s what I want to go against.
Artists explored individually – Mathew Finn is a photographer who did a series of photos surrounding his mother. They’re in a very classical style. He inspired me because its in her home and its all natural, none of it is staged. Whilst mine will be somewhat staged, I also want to keep the personal elements of the people very clear and apparent to the audience.
-The other man I looked into is called Martin Creed. Anne showed me a piece of work he did called ‘Work No.1701’ which was made in 2013. this piece shows people with ranges of disability's walking across a crossing. Its an incredibly simple concept but when watching is endlessly effective on the viewer. This is mainly what inspired me to do something centred around a simple concept which people take for granted.

-Theres also another group of women who did a project called #RawBeautyNYC

Intended audience and mode of viewing – my intended audience would be young adults as they are the ones who are most capable of making a change. My mode of viewing would just be one screen. Doesn’t matter what size. Just something simple so reflect the task they are doing which is also, to non-disabled people, fairly simple.


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