Split screen - pt5

creation update:

so i have now finished constructing the basic structure of the advert. i have all the scenes in order and the masks and back grounds are in. i had a new idea today after looking into possible visual effects on youtube via tutorials. i found one about how to make a glowing projection. i tried to create it but had insane amounts of difficulty. so instead i did my own thing using parts of that tutorial. i used a clip from iron man where it shows the structure of the suit, i created a mask and edited some of the colours making it darker. and added a specific glow and background design to show it as an interactive screen which is displayed to reveal the original design and style of the the Apple IHuman.
after a lot of work i feel this this extra small scene works well in relation to the rest of the advert.

i have also added more special effects and transitions into the piece in order to create a smoother running order, ive added a glow to the closing shot where i will put the name of the Ihuman, which i haven't decided on yet. im excited to see where this goes!


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