Dance film - Ethical Regulations


this is the brief I have given my dancers for the auditions (13/03/18 - 5pm)

    - student dance film -
    Looking for dancers for student dance film at UCA farnham.
    The film is focused around a therapy I did at 17 called EMDR, in regards to a disjointed backlog of my life. With this in mind I have chosen 5 ages with a brief description of the kind of intent/personality I would like brought into it. (None of these will be played by people of that age. So it’s about getting into a mind set)
    Age 5 - bubbly, care free, happy, upbeat, fun. (Open to dance styles, possible ballet?)
    Age 10 - loads of energy, musical theatre, freestyle, fun. (Performance based dance styles eg: musical theatre, freestyle, possible contemporary/modern, etc)
    Age 13/14: teenage angst, emo, angry, confused, releasing anger and built up frustration (dance styles: breakdance, street, urban, etc)
    Age 16/17: investigation about yourself, learning what your body is and who you are, starting off struggling, becoming stronger, better, confident, finding your feet. (Contemporary specific)
    Age 18/19: receiving the therapy and it taking effect, finding a fantastic support network, great and supportive friends, relying and accepting support from one another, happiness, fun, upbeat, yet controlled. (Ballroom/Latin.)
    Although I have named some, I know there are plenty more, but more importantly, make sure your personality shines through, have fun, enjoy it.
    Auditions to be held at UCA farnham on the 13/03/18 between 5-8pm. If interested please message me or comment.
this was posted on my social media as well as here are a list of the dancers who are planning to audition:
Brittany Roberts
Laura Hardie
Rae Clarke
Rebecca Hunt
Kerry James
Mel Gilbert
Emma Ciuffi
Alex Jones
Charlotte Dashwood
Daisy Smith

most of these people are fine as they are 18+ however, some of those who have stepped forward are under this age. I had a one to one with rosie to discuss working with children, the ethics and laws behind that, and weather or not it was a good idea in general.

in regards to this being a good idea, Rachel and I met and had a chat. I explained I was planning on having the dancers in the mind set, costume and make up of their given age range. Rachel questioned weather this would communicate with my audience and enable them to grasp the age intent if the dancer wasn't of that age. which is a very valid point. I was also worried that I couldn't think of a solid dance style for age 5. Rachel raised a great point, instead of having a dance style so to speak, have a child in the space, with toys, costumes and their favourite music, and just film them having fun. it doesn't have to be a 'dance' so to speak, movement works just as well. after this, I saw rosie again and she told me to look at the course documents and see what I would need to do. she told me it is possible for me to work with children so long as regulations are met. here is some evidence of that


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