ideas for year 3 grad film


thinking about my work so far and everything thats gone on for me through the summer a few ideas have come to mind.
1. I am just about to begin receiving help for sexual assault. this is on my mind quite heavily at the moment and so id like to work with it. I figure maybe I could make a dance film using paint, to show the damage it causes and then the recovery. but also showing that it really can happen to anyone. because thats the truth, its something I feel needs to be discussed, and I would like to use my experience to my advantage and do something with it that isn't depressing.

2. a memory room. an immersive experience where everything will be designed to trigger a persons memories, using all the senses and also using photographs and videos. the reason why id like to explore this is mainly because it goes hand in hand with my dissertation idea of photography and memory, so it feels like the most logical choice for research and planning.

3. a panic room - again an immersive experience however it will be to immerse the subject/audience into an environment which is designed to cause feelings of distress and panic, and then at the end using grounding and breathing methods to calm the subject down before they exit. maybe this could help those who don't suffer with panic understand how it feels and how to help.

4. a video looking far more in depth regarding EMDR therapy. a 5 minute film going through the motions of an EMDR session. using a simulated heart beat and breathing patterns to show panic and upset gradually turning into understanding and calmness. this would be shown from the point of view of the therapist, showing their hand movements and how they breathe with their subject. I would also use VFX to show examples of a safe space they end up in when the trauma is dealt with.

honestly I'm leaning towards idea 2 purely because it seems the most logical. idea 1 is risky because id be working with something current, but I know I'm capable. ideas 3 and 4 are good, but I still feel the memory room is the most logical choice, despite the fact I feel idea 4 is more appropriate for my course.


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