lighting workshop
Yesterday and today we were given the opportunity to take part in a lighting workshop with anne. we learnt all about lighting health and safety on the first day. we discussed different hazards and how to handle them, almost like a brief risk assessment. we discussed the basic temperatures of lights so that we would be able to determine the risk of flammability. some of the possible risks would have included: heat - burning, man-handling - weight, physical injury, water, electrocution, tripping over wires, as well as how to fix a basic plug wiring system, and how to change the bulb correctly. I found this really interesting as I love analysing the risks in situations. I have also never worked with lighting like this before, and so I found it new and enjoyable. On the second day, we were discussing the different types of lighting, the 3 main types are Key, Back and fill. we leant how to position them correctly, and also how to use the light reader to show if we were lighting ...