So I started off with a really solid idea. But now I've kind of lost my confidence, I don't really know why I felt like it wasn't enough. Idea 1: take photographs of people holding hands, split the image down the middle, and then mount them on A5, and present them almost like a sculpture. In an octagon with the images facing outward, then a manniquin in the middle (represents me), there will be ribbons connecting each image to another, showing how they support me and how they also support eachother Idea 2: take photographs of peoples possessions instead of hands, hand them from the Ceiling at different levels, connect via string to show that they support themselves and overs, because supporting yourself should come first. My image would be a physical manifestation of my panic. Idea 3: memories. It would be a network of life events that have lead to the finished product. Honestly this idea came from the lecture on Tuesday and something my socioty leader said. It shows ...