Dissertation Proposal

DISSERTATION PROPOSAL: a while ago we had some lectures with photography's Matt Lindsey where in one lecture he discussed Barthes, and his point on photography creating a counter memory. i found this really interesting and so i looked into it a little more, as it was one of the questions we could choose for our last essay, i chose to take on a different question as i couldnt formulate my argument surrounding this question. but ive always remembered this lecture as it really interested me. and so i would love to focus on this question of 'does photography create a counter memory?' for my dissertation. im in two minds about this as one half suggests that photography gives a snapshot of reality, and there for isnt a counter memory, its rather an element of reality. however the other half of this suggests that in most photographs we take in modern day socioty, we pose and therefore emulate an unreal and unnatural version of reality, which, upon later review, creates a co...